In this section we have provided a list of skills that Kristina performed in her current and old routines on each apparatus. Each skill that Kristina inserts and competes successfully in competition allows her to come closer to a higher start value. To see Kristina performing these skills, visit the videos page.
NCAA Routines
Yurchenko 1/1 |
Uneven Bars
kip + cast to hanstand; toe-on shaposhnikova + overshoot to handstand + stalder shoot to high bar; kip + cast to handstand; giant 1/2 + piked jaegar; kip + cast to handstand 1/2; giant + giant + double layout dismount |
Balance Beam
front aerial + wolf jump; switch split leap + flip flop stepout + back layout stepout; 1/1 turn; beat jump + sheep jump; side 1/1 twist dismount |
Floor Exercise
front handspring + front layout 2/1; roundoff + flip flop + double tuck; front handspring + front 1/1 + front tuck |
Elite Routines
Yurchenko 2/1
Yurchenko 1/2 layout 1/2 |
Uneven Bars
kip + cast to handstand; toe-on shaposhnikova; overshoot to handstand; stalder 1/1 blind + toe-shoot, kip + cast to handstand; stalder 1/2 blind + layout jaeger; kip + cast to handstand; toe-on 1/2 + geinger; kip + cast to handstand 1/2; giant; giant; double layout dismount |
Balance Beam
sheep jump; front aerial + front tuck; switch ring leap + flip flop on one arm; Onodi; turn 1/1; side somi; flip flop stepout + flip flop with two feet + double tuck dismount |
Floor Exercise
roundoff + flip flop + double layout; front handspring + front layout 2/1 + front layout; tuck jump 2/1; switch ring leap + tour jete 1/1; roundoff + flip flop + back layout 5/2; roundoff + flip flop + double pike; turn 2/1
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