November 25, 2005

Hey Everyone!

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I stayed in California over our short little break, and I went home with the twins. We had a great time! We mainly just relaxed, worked out, and did way too much shopping! It was nice not having to worry about school work for a weekend. Unfortunately we have finals coming up in the next couple of weeks, so I am going to be very busy studying.

This coming weekend is the UCLA vs USC game. I'm so excited because I actually got a ticket. They all sold out so quicky but I figured something out. I will be going with Ashley Peckett. It will be my first USC game so we're going to go crazy! I most likely will have no voice for about a week afterward, but it will definitely be worth it.

We just had Meet The Bruins last weekend. It was so much fun to go out there and show some of my skills again. It got me so pumped to start competing again! I can't wait for season to start. Our team is looking great. We are all starting to put together our routines, and everyone is working really hard. The floor routines as always look great...especially Ari's!! Every time she does her floor routine I have to stop and watch. She is such an amazing dancer, and she just pulls you in and you don't want to stop watching! Just wait, you will all see! All the girls coming back from injuries are doing great. Kate is really coming along. You would have never known that she was out for so long. If it is possible she is even stronger than she was before. Peck and Jordan just had their surgeries and are doing well. My body is holding up really well. My ankle hasn't really been bothering me, and nothing has really restricted me from working out...yay!!!

Right now I am just trying to stay healthy, and keep getting in routine shape again. Season starts really soon, and I can't wait. Our first meet is in Hawaii on January 3. I'm so excited because I have never been to Hawaii before, so it will be a great trip. Then we have our first home meet right after on January 7th against Utah. So everyone come, and bring as many people as you can! I hope all is going well, and I will talk to you all soon!


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