September 6, 2004

Hello everyone,

Sorry it has been a long time since my first journal entry. A lot has been going on since championships. I was of course very disappointed with my performance, but I feel that everything happens for a reason, and I just wasn't meant to move any further this year. The ankle that I hurt last year at the World Selection Camp, was starting to hurt me again. I took some time off, and it didn't heal at all. Then I went to physical therapy, and that didn't help either. My doctor gave me a cortisone shot, and told me to take three weeks off. The cortisone didn't help, so I decided to have arthoscopic surgery last Monday. Everything is coming along very well, and I should only be out for about 4 weeks. So, I will hopefully be ready for the Karolyi Ranch at the end of October. I am already looking forward to this coming season, and I am planning on trying for the World Championships next November.

Right now I am going through the college recruiting process, and I can't wait to know where I am going to end up. My choices are ASU (Arizona State) , University of Michigan and UCLA. I am so excited and will make sure to let everyone know where I decide to go.

Over the 4th of July weekend Alicia Sacramone came to visit me. We had a blast! First we went downtown, Chicago to go shopping of course! Then we went to the Cubs vs White Sox game at Wrigley Field ( I am a hard core Cubs fan). We also had the best food in Chicago. We went to an Italian place called Joe Marchetti's, then the night of the Cubs game we went to Harry Carray's, and we had the best chicken vesuvio in the world! We also treated Alicia to the best pizza in Chicago ( D' Amatos Pizzeria). On the 4th of July we stayed around my house, and went to the park near us for some fireworks. I'm so glad she was able to come in. I just wish she could have stayed longer!

I went to Palm Springs, California in early August for vacation. It was very nice to just lay around and relax, and not have to worry about anything. We also drove down to LA, and went to UCLA for an unofficial trip. I loved it, it was so nice there. After we left UCLA we went to The Late Show with Jay Leno. Before the show started they picked 7 people to go down on the stage to dance, and they picked me! I didn't know what to do, so I just did the dance that Monica did when she and Ross were doing the "routine." For all of you Friends fans out there who know what I'm talking about, ha ha! It was a lot of fun, and we got to see Arnold Schwarzenegger (I have no clue how to spell his name), and two guys from the Wild Boys, and Gavin McGraw was the singing guest. He was really good!

This past weekend I stood up in a wedding for my best friend, Gina. She used to go to my gym, and when she finished college she came back to coach at our gym part time. She just recently moved to Texas in June to live near her fiance. I had so much fun this weekend, and she looked so beautiful. I was able to meet a lot of new people, and they were all so sweet! The wedding was actually in Branson, Missouri where they met at a Christian camp called Kanukuk. All the guests at the wedding were from different parts of the country...Illinois, Oklahoma, New York, Florida, etc... None of the bridesmaids knew each other, and we all got along so well! I walked down the aisle with this guy, Adam. He was really good looking, and he had a great sense of humor. I could definitely tell that he is always the life of the party! He made all the picture taking a whole lot more fun. Then I met some of the girls that she attended camp with. They were so sweet, and I can understand why they are friends with Gina. All together the wedding was amazing, and I will definitely try to get some pictures up as soon as possible. I will try to write again soon, and let you all know how everything is going! Thanks to all of you that cheered me on last season. It really helps to know that people care! Take care and be safe!


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